
  1. L. Yang, Q.H. Ye, A. Ebong, W.T. Song, G.J. Zhang, J.X. Wang and Y. Ma, "High efficiency screen printed bifacial solar cells on monocrystalline CZ silicon", Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl., Vol.19, 2011, 275–279

  2. 方昕,沈文忠, "多晶硅中的氧碳行为及其对太阳电池转换效率的影响", 物理学报 Vol.60, No.8, 2011, 088801  

  3. W.A.Su and W.Z.Shen, "A statistical exploration of multiple exciton generation in silicon quantum dots and optoelectronic application", Appl.Phys.Lett. Vol.100, 2012, 071111

  4. Liang Tao, Yan Xiong, Hong Liu and Wenzhong Shen, "Chemical assisted formation of secondary structures towards high efficiency solar cells based on ordered TiO2 nanotube arrays", J.Mater.Chem., Vol.22, 2012, 7863

  5. X.Hua, Z.P.Li, W.Z.Shen, G.Y.Xiong, X.S.Wang and L.J.Zhang, "Mechanism of Trapping Effect in Heterojunction With Intrinsic Thin-Layer Solar Cells: Effect of Density of Defect States", IEEE Trans Electron Device, Vol.59, No.5, 2012, 1227-1235

  6. Yan Xiong, Liang Tao, Hong Liu and Wenzhong Shen, "Current promoted micro-annealing in anodic TiO2 tube arrays and its application in sensitized solar cells", J.Mater.Chem.A, Vol.1, 2013, 783

  7. S.Ku, B.E.Pieters, S.Haas, A.Bauer, Q.Ye, U.Rau, "Electrical characterization of P3 isolation line spatterned with a UV laser incident from the film side on thin-film silicon solar cells", SOL ENERG MAT SOL C, Vol.108, 2013, 87-92

  8. X X Lin, X Hua, Z G Huang and W Z Shen, "Realization of high performance silicon nanowire based solar cells with large size", Nanotechnology, Vol.24, 2013, 235402

  9. Sihua Zhong, Xia Hua, and Wenzhong Shen, "Simulation of High-Efficiency Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells With Homo–Hetero Junctions", IEEE Trans Electron Device, Vol.60, No.7, 2013, 2104-2110

  10. Sihua Zhong, Wenzhong Shen, Feng Liu, Xiang Li, "Mass production of high efficiency selective emitter crystalline silicon solar cells employing phosphorus ink technology", SOL ENERG MAT SOL C, Vol.117, 2013, 483-488

  11. Chao Wen, Hao Xu, Hong Liu, Zhengping Li and Wenzhong Shen, "Passivation of nanocrystalline silicon photovoltaic materials employing a negative substrate bias", Nanotechnology, Vol.24, 2013, 455602

  12. Shenli Zhang, Xinwei Wang, Hong Liu and Wenzhong Shen, "Controllable light-induced conic structures in silicon nanowire arrays by metal-assisted chemical etching", Nanotechnology, Vol.25, 2014, 025602

  13. Liang Tao, Yan Xiong, Hong Liu and Wenzhong Shen, "High performance PbS quantum dot sensitized solar cells via electric field assisted in situ chemical deposition on modulated TiO2 nanotube arrays", Nanoscale, Vol.6, 2014, 931

  14. Yang Zeng, Hong Liu, Qinghao Ye and Wenzhong Shen, "Enhanced carrier extraction of a-Si/c-Si solar cells by nanopillar-induced optical modulation", Nanotechnology, Vol.25, 2014, 135202

  15. Zengguang Huang, Sihua Zhong, Xia Hua, Xingxing Lin, Xiangyang Kong, Ning Dai and Wenzhong Shen, "An effective way to simultaneous realization of excellent optical and electrical erformance in largescale Si nano/microstructures", Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, vol.23, 2015, 964–972

  16. Yang Zeng, Qinghao Ye and Wenzhong Shen, "Design principles for single standing nanowire solar cells: going beyond the planar efficiency limits", Scientific Reports, Vol.4, 2014, 4915

  17. Sihua Zhong, Zengguang Huang, Xingxing Lin, Yang Zeng, Yechi Ma, and Wenzhong Shen, "High-Effi ciency Nanostructured Silicon Solar Cells on a Large Scale Realized Through the Suppression of Recombination Channel", Adv. Mater., Vol.27, 2015, 555–561

  18. Changqing Zhu, Maojun Zheng*, Zuzhou Xiong, Hong Li, Wenzhong Shen, "Electrochemically etched triangular pore arrays on GaP and their photoelectrochemical properties from water oxidation", international journal of hydrogen energy, Vol.39, 2014, 10861

  19. X. Z. Guo and W. Z. Shen, "Light collection optimization for composite photoanode in dye-sensitized solar cells: Towards higher efficiency", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.117, 2015, 225103

  20. Xugen Han, Sihua Zhong, Wei Pan, and Wenzhong Shen*, "A simple strategy for synthesizing highly luminescent carbon nanodots and application as effective down-shifting layers", Nanotechnology, Vol.26, 2015, 065402

  21. X X Lin, Y Zeng, S H Zhong, Z G Huang, H Q Qian, J Ling, J B Zhu, and W Z Shen, "Realization of improved efficiency on nanostructured multicrystalline silicon solar cells for mass production", Nanotechnology, Vol.26, 2015, 125401

  22. Sihua Zhong, Yang Zeng, Zengguang Huang, and Wenzhong Shen, "Superior broadband antireflection from buried Mie resonator arrays for high-efficiency photovoltaics", Scientific Reports, Vol.5, 2015, 8915

  23. Dai Shi, Yang Zeng, and Wenzhong Shen, Perovskite/c-Si tandem solar cell with inverted nanopyramids: realizing high efficiency by controllable light trapping", Scientific Reports, Vol.5, 2015, 16504

  24. Z.G. Huang, X.X.Lin, Y.Zeng, S.H.Zhong, X.M.Song, C.Liu, X.Yuan, and W.Z.Shen, "One-step-MACEnano/microstructuresforhigh-efficient large-size multicrystalline S isolar cells", Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Vol.143, 2015, 302

  25. Zengguang Huang, Xiaomin Song, Sihua Zhong, Haiyuan Xu, Wenxing Luo, Xudong Zhu, and Wenzhong Shen, "20.0% Effi ciency Si Nano/Microstructures Based Solar Cells with Excellent Broadband Spectral Response", Adv. Funct. Mater., Vol.26, 2016, 1892

  26. Y.F.Zhuang, S.H.Zhong, Z.G.Huang, and W.Z.Shen, "Versatile strategies for improving the performance of diamond wire sawn mc-Si solar cells", Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Vol.153, 2016, 18

  27. Xinwei Wang, Hong Liu and Wenzhong Shen, "Controllable in situ photo-assisted chemical deposition of CdSe quantum dots on ZnO/CdS nanorod arrays and its photovoltaic application", Nanotechnology, Vol.27, 2016, 085605

  28. Sihua Zhong, Wenjie Wang, Yufeng Zhuang, Zengguang Huang, and Wenzhong Shen, "All-Solution-Processed Random Si Nanopyramids for Excellent Light Trapping in Ultrathin Solar Cells", Adv. Funct. Mater., 2016

  29. Y.F.Zhuang, S.H.Zhong, Z.G.Huang, and W.Z.Shen, "Versatile strategies for improving the performance of diamond wire sawn mc-Si solar cells", Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Vol. 153, 2016, 18–24

  30. “Special issue- Technologies for future high-efficiency industrial silicon wafer solar cells”, Front. Energy 2017, 11(1): 1–3

  31. Yanlin Chen, Sihua Zhong, Miao Tan, Wenzhong Shen, “SiO2 passivation layer grown by liquid phase deposition for silicon solar cell application”, Front. Energy 2017, 11(1): 52–59

  32. Guilin Lu, Fei Zheng, Jianqiang Wang and Wenzhong Shen, “Thin Al2O3 passivated boron emitter of n-type bifacial c-Si solar cells with industrial process”, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2017, 25: 280-290

  33. Feng Zhou, Hong Liu, Xinwei Wang, and Wenzhong Shen, “Fast and Controllable Electric-Field-Assisted Reactive Deposited Stable and Annealing-Free Perovskite toward Applicable High-Performance Solar Cells”, Adv. Funct. Mater. Vol 27, 2017, 1606156

  34. Guilin Lu, Jianqiang Wang, Zhengyi Qian and Wenzhong Shen, “Development of back-junction back-contact silicon solar cells based on industrial processes”, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2017, 25: 441-451

  35. Y. F. Zhuang, S. H. Zhong, H. Y. Xu, W. Z. Shen, "Broadband spectral response of diamond wire sawn mc-Si solar cell with omnidirectional performance and improved appearance", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 179, 2018, 372-379

  36. Xinwei Wang, Hong Liu, Feng Zhou, Jeremy Dahan, Xin Wang, Zhengpi Li, and Wenzhong Shen, "Temperature Gradient-Induced Instability of Perovskite via Ion Transport", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces , 10, 2018, 835-844

  37. Lifei Yang, Sihua Zhong, Wenbin Zhang, Xingbing Li, Zhengping Li, Yufeng Zhuang, Xin Wang, Lei Zhao, Xinmin Cao, Xunming Deng, Qi Wang, Wenzhong Shen, “Study and development of rear‐emitter Si heterojunction solar cells and application of direct copper metallization”. Prog Photovolt Res Appl. 2018, DOI: 10.1002/pip.3000

  38. Xu Haiyuan, Zhong Sihua, Zhuang Yufeng, and Shen Wenzhong, “Controllable nanoscale inverted pyramids for highly efficient quasi-omnidirectional crystalline silicon solar cells”. Nanotechnology Vol 29 , 2018, 015403

  39. 刘长菊,卢敏,苏未安,董太源,沈文忠,“纳米半导体中多重激子效应研究进展”,《物理学报》 Vol 67,2018,027302

  40. Hao Lin, Dong Ding, Zilei Wang, Longfei Zhang, Fei Wu, Jing Yu, Pingqi Gao, Jichun Ye, and Wenzhong Shen, "Realization of interdigitated back contact silicon solar cells by using dopantfree heterocontacts for both polarities ". Nano Energy 50, 2018, 777-784

  41. Lixiang Ba, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, "Perovskite/c‐Si tandem solar cells with realistic inverted architecture: Achieving high efficiency by optical optimization".  Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 26, 2018, 924-933

  42. Menglan Xie, Hui Lu, Lianping Zhang, Jie Wang, Qun Luo, Jian Lin, Lixiang Ba, Hong Liu, Wenzhong Shen, Liyi Shi, and Chang-Qi Ma, "Fully Solution-Processed Semi-Transparent Perovskite Solar Cells With Ink-Jet Printed Silver Nanowires Top Electrode". Sol. RRL 2, 2018, 1700184

  43. Hao Zheng, Wei Pan, and Wenzhong Shen, "One-step synthesis of colloidal CH3NH3PbBr3 nanoplatelets via chlorobenzene to realize nonsolvent crystallization". Nanotechnology 29, 2018, 455601

  44. Fei Wu, Hao Lin, Zhenhai Yang, Mingdun Liao, Zhengping Li, Pingqi Gao, Jichun Ye, and Wenzhong Shen, "Suppression of surface and Auger recombination by formation and control of radial junctionin silicon microwire solar cells ". Nano Energy 58, 2019, 817-824

  45. Y. F. Zhuang, S. H. Zhong, X. J. Liang,H. J. Kang, Z. P. Li, W. Z. Shen, "Application of SiO2 passivation technique in mass production of silicon solar cells ", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 193, 2019, 379-386
  46. 李正平,杨黎飞,沈文忠,“硅基异质结太阳电池新进展”,《物理学进展》 Vol 39,2019,1-22

  47. Yan Li, Sihua Zhong, Yufeng Zhuang, Lifei Yang, Fanying Meng, Wenjie Wang, Zhengping Li, and Wenzhong Shen,  " Quasi-Omnidirectional Ultrathin Silicon Solar Cells Realized by Industrially Compatible Processes". Adv. Electron. Mater. 2019, 1800858

  48. Sihua Zhong, Monica Morales-Masis, Mathias Mews, Lars Korte, Quentin Jeangros, Weiliang Wu, Mathieu Boccard, Christophe Ballif, "Exploring co-sputtering of ZnO:Al and SiO2 for efficient electron-selective contacts on silicon solar cells", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 194, 2019, 67-73

  49. Dong Ding, Guilin Lu, Zhengping Li, Yueheng Zhang, and Wenzhong Shen, “High-efficiency n-type silicon PERT bifacial solar cells with selective emitters and poly-Si based passivating contacts”, Solar Energy 193, 2019, 494-501

  50. Hao Lin, Fei Wu, Pingqi Gao, and Wenzhong Shen, "Shape-controlled silicon microwire arrays from Au-Ag catalyzed metal-assistant chemical etching for radial junction solar cells", ACS Applied Energy Materials 2, 2019, 5871-5876

  51. Dong Ding, Hao Lin, Hong Liu, Guilin Lu, Zhengping Li, Yueheng Zhang, and Wenzhong Shen, "High-efficiency interdigitated back contact silicon solar cells with front floating emitter", Phys. Status Solidi A 216, 2019, 1900445-(1-8)

  52. Jiajia Wang, Hao Lin, Zilei Wang, Wenzhong Shen, Jichun Ye, and Pingqi Gao, "Hard mask processing of 20% efficiency back-contacted silicon solar cells with dopant-free heterojunctions", Nano Energy 66, 2019, 104116-(1-7)

  53. Z. G. Huang, K. Gao, X. G. Wang, C. Xu, X. M. Song, L. X. Shi, Y. Zhang, B. Hoex, and W. Z. Shen, "Large-area MACE Si nano-inverted-pyramids for PERC solar cell application", Solar Energy 188, 2019, 300-304

  54. Lixiang Ba, Tun Wang, Jiayuan Wang, and Wenzhong Shen, "Perovskite/c-Si monolithic tandem solar cells under real solar spectra: improving energy yield by oblique incident optimization", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 2019, 28659-28667

  55. Tun Wang, Zhendong Cheng, Yulin Zhou, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, "Highly efficient and stable perovskite solar cells via bilateral passivation layers", Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7, 2019, 21730-21739

  56. Tun Wang, Sadeq Abbasi, Xin Wang, Yangrunqian Wang, Zhendong Cheng, Jiayuan Wang, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, "Hierarchy of interfacial passivation in inverted perovskite solar cells", Chem. Commun. 55, 2019, 14996-14999

  57. Tun Wang, Dong Ding, Hao Zheng, Xin Wang, Jiayuan Wang, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, "Efficient inverted planar perovskite solar cells using ultraviolet/ozone-treated NiOx as hole transport layer", Solar RRL 3, 2019, 1900045-(1-12)

  58. Ranran Zeng, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, "A facile and controllable electrochemically fabricated nonstoichiometric MoOx film for novel opto-electronic devices", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 29, 2019, 065012-(1-9)

  59. Sihua Zhong, Monica Morales-Masis, Mathias Mews, Lars Korte, Quentin Jeangros, Weiliang Wu, Mathieu Boccard, and Christophe Ballif, "Exploring co-sputtering of ZnO:Al and SiO2 for efficient electron-selective contacts on silicon solar cells", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 194, 2019, 67-73

  60. Wenjie Wang, Jian He, Di Yan , Chris Samundsett, Sieu Pheng Phang, Zengguang Huang, Wenzhong Shen,  James Bullock, and Yimao Wan,"21.3%-efficient n-type silicon solar cell with a full area rear TiOx /LiF/Al electron-selective contact", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 206, 2020, 110291

  61. Sihua Zhong, Julie Dreon, Quentin Jeangros, Erkan Aydin, Stefaan De Wolf, Fan Fu, Mathieu Boccard, and Christophe Ballif, "Mitigating Plasmonic Absorption Losses at Rear Electrodes in High-Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells Using Dopant-Free Contact Stacks", Adv. Funct. Mater. 30, 2020, 1907840

  62. Xin Wang, Sadeq Abbasi, Dezhao Zhang, Jiayuan Wang, Yangrunqian Wang, Zhendong Cheng, "Electrochemical Deposition of CsPbBr3 Perovskite for Photovoltaic Devices with Robust Ambient Stability", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 2020, 5045550463

  63. Topical Review: Sihua Zhong and Wenzhong Shen, "Quasi-omnidirectional crystalline silicon solar cells", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 2020, 483001

  64. Kun Gao, Ying Liu, Yuan Fan, Linxing Shi, Yufeng Zhuang, Yanfeng Cui, Shengzhao Yuan, Yimao Wan, Wenzhong Shen and Zengguang Huang, “High-Efficiency Silicon Inverted Pyramid-Based Passivated Emitter and Rear Cells”, Nanoscale Research Letters 15, 2020, 174 (1-9)

  65. Wenjie Wang, Jian He, Lun Cai, Zilei Wang, Siva Krishna Karuturi, Pingqi Gao, and Wenzhong Shen, “Solution-Processed Electron-Selective Contacts Enabling 21.8% Effificiency Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells”, Sol. RRL 4, 2020, 2000569

  66. 赵科巍,张波,吕 镱,庄宇峰,李正平,鲁贵林,沈文忠, “多晶 PERC 太阳电池的背面与正面结构性能优化”,《新能源进展》, Vol. 8 , 2020, 5

  67. Zhendong Cheng, Dong Ding, Jingnan Song, Feng Liu, Tun Wang, Cheng Hu, Lixiang Ba, Jiayuan Wang, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, “Ambient Manipulation of Perovskites by Alternating Electric Field toward Tunable Photovoltaic Performance”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 30, 2020, 2004652

  68. Hao Lin, Jiajia Wang, Zilei Wang, Zhiyuan Xu, Pingqi Gao, Wenzhong Shen, "Edge effect in silicon solar cells with dopant-free interdigitated back-contacts", Nano Energy 74, 2020, 104893

  69. Tun Wang, Muyuan Xie, Sadeq Abbasi, Zhendong Cheng, Hong Liu, Wenzhong Shen, "High efficiency perovskite solar cells with tailorable surface wettability by surfactant", Journal of Power Sources 448, 2020, 227584

  70. Y. Lv, Y.F. Zhuang, W. J. Wang, W .W. Wei, J. Sheng, S. Zhang, W. Z. Shen, "Towards high-efficiency industrial p-type mono-like Si PERC solar cells", Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 204, 2020, 110202

  71. H. B. Tang, S. Ma, Y. Lv, Z. P. Li, W. Z. Shen, "Optimization of rear surface roughness and metal grid design in industrial bifacial PERC solar cells", Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 216, 2020, 110712

  72. Jiayuan Wang, Chao Gao, Xin Wang, Yangrunqian Wang, Zhendong Cheng, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, "Simple Solution-Processed Approach for Nanoscale Coverage of Perovskite on Textured Silicon Surface Enabling Highly Effificient Perovskite/Si Tandem Solar Cells", Energy Technol. 9, 2021, 2000778

  73. Don Ding, Yufeng Zhuang, Yanfeng Cui, Yueheng Zhang, Zhengping Li, Xiongwei Zhang, Zhengxiang Ji, Dong Wang, Yimao Wan, and Wenzhong Shen, "Application of Phosphorus-Doped Polysilicon-Based FullArea Passivating Contact on the Front Textured Surface of p-Type Silicon", Phys. Status Solidi RRL 15, 2021, 2000455
  74. Xingzhi Wang , Shengyuan Wang , Wei Pan, Wenzhong Shen, "Efficient ultrafast energy-down-shift upon ultraviolet excitation in methylammonium lead bromide nanoplatelets", Chemical Physics Letters 763, 2021, 138192

  75. Yangrunqian Wang, Chao Gao, Xin Wang, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, "Controllable Electrochemical Deposition and Theoretical Understanding of Conformal Perovskite on Textured Silicon towards Effiffifficient Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells", J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 2021, 2875−2883

  76. Yang Zhao, Ke Zhan, Zhen Wang, Wenzhong Shen, "Deep learning-based automatic detection of multitype defects in photovoltaic modules and application in real production line", Prog Photovolt Res Appl. 29, 2021, 1–14.

  77. Cheng, Zhendong; Gao, Chao; Song, Jingnan; Ding, Dong; Chen, Yuanyuan; Wang, Jiayuan; Zhang, Dezhao; Chen, Liyan; Wang, Xin; Yang, Zhibin; Liu, Feng; Liu, Hong; Shen, Wenzhong,“Interfacial and Permeating Modification Effect of n-type Non-fullerene Acceptors toward High-Performance Perovskite Solar Cells”,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 2021,40778-40787

  78. 沈文忠,“什么将是地球上最便宜的能源?”,《上海交通大学学报》,vol. 55, 2021, 86-87

  79. S. Ma, H. B. Tang, Z. P. Li, X. Y. Kong, and W. Z. Shen, “Application of SiOxNy films in industrial bifacial PERC solar cells”, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 230, 2021, 111199-(1-9)

  80. 赵洋, 沈文忠, “人工智能在光伏组件缺陷检测中的应用”, 《科学》, vol. 73, 2021, 50-54

  81. H. X. Dong, J. F. Kong, F. C. Wang, C. Y. Zhang, J. Chen, L. Li, C. F. Wang, Y. Sun, Y. Jin, F. Y. Qiao, and W. Z. Shen, "Cu2+ assisted Mn-doped perovskite nanocrystals thin films: Room-temperature synthesis and improved emission efficiencies", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 902, 2022, 163844-(1-8)

  82. L. Y. Chen, H. Lin, Z. L. Liu, T. J. Wu, Y. C. Pang, P. Q. Gao, W. Z. Shen, Realization of a General Method for Extracting Specific Contact Resistance of Silicon-Based Dopant-Free Heterojunctions, Sol. RRL 6, 2022, 2100394-(1-9)

  83. D. X. Du, C. Gao, D. Z. Zhang, F. Y. Qiao, J. J. Liang, H. Y. Wang, and W. Z. Shen, “Low-Cost Strategy for High-Efficiency Bifacial Perovskite/c-Si Tandem Solar Cells”, Sol. RRL 6, 2022, 2100781-(1-8)  (Cover paper)

  84. Chao GaoDaxue DuDong DingFeiyang Qiao,  Wenzhong Shen,“A review on monolithic perovskite/c-Si tandem solar cell: Progress, challenges, and opportunities”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10, 2022, 10811-10828

  85. Chao Gao, Daxue Du, and Wenzhong Shen,“Monolithic perovskite/c-Si tandem solar cell: Progress on numerical simulation”, Carbon Neutrality 1, 2022, 9-(1-16) (Invited Review)

  86. Wenzhong Shen, Yixin Zhao, and Feng Liu, "Highlights of mainstream solar cell efficiencies in 2021", Frontiers in Energy 16, 2022, 1-8 (Cover paper)

  87. Daxue Du, Chao Gao, Haiyan Wang, and Wenzhong Shen, “Photovoltaic performance of bifacial perovskite/c-Si tandem solar cells”, Journal of Power Sources 540, 2022, 231622-(1-8)

  88. Taojian Wu, Hao Lin, Liyan Chen, Zhaolang Liu, Yicong Pang, Zhengping Li, Pingqi Gao, and Wenzhong Shen, “Realization of high voltage output on monolithic silicon solar cells in series for self-powered systems”, Solar RRL 6, 2022, 2200188-(1-12)

  89. S. Ma, R. Tong, X. Y. Wu, Z. P. Li, X. Y. Kong, and W. Z. Shen,“Effective way to reduce rear-side potential-induced degradation of bifacial PERC solar cells", Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 239, 2022, 111687-(1-9)

  90. Wenjie Wang, Jian He, Di Yan, Wenhao Chen, Sieu Pheng Phang, Christian Samundsett, Siva Krishna Karuturi, Zhengping Li, Yimao Wan, and Wenzhong Shen, “Realization and simulation of interdigitated back contact silicon solar cells with dopant-free asymmetric hetero-contacts”, Solar Energy 231, 2022, 203-208

  91. Xin Wang, Dezhao Zhang, Chao Gao, Feiyang Qiao, Jingjing Liang, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, “A tunable electrochemical strategy toward all-inorganic CsPbBr3 perovskite”, ACS Applied Energy Materials 5, 2022, 10897-10906

  92. Yangrunqian Wang, Chao Gao, Yuanyuan Chen, Xin Wang, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, “Anion modification and theoretical understanding for improving annealing-free electrochemistry deposition of perovskites under an ambient atmosphere”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126, 2022, 4785-4791

  93. Daxue Du, Feiyang Qiao, Yikai Guo, Fengyan Wang, Linna Wang, Chao Gao, Dezhao Zhang, Jingjing Liang, Zhaopeng Xu, Wenzhong Shen, and Haiyan Wang, “Photovoltaic performance of flexible perovskite solar cells under bending state”, Solar Energy 245, 2022, 146-152

  94. Yuanyuan Chen, Zhendong Cheng, Feiyang Qiao, Chao Gao, Dezhao Zhang, Yangrunqian Wang, Xin Wang, Jinjin Liang, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, “Efficient and stable inverted perovskite solar cells with graphene oxide-modified hole transport layer”, Energy Technology 10, 2022,  2200061-(1-8)

  95. Hao Cheng, Zengguang Huang, Lijuan Zhang, Ying Liu, Xiaomin Song, Rui Tong, Sihua Zhong, Linxing Shi, Xiangyang Kong, and Wenzhong Shen, “21.16%-efficiency p-type TOPCon solar cell with ALD-Al2O3/MoOx/Ag as a hole-selective passivating contact”, Solar Energy 247, 2022, 171-176

  96. Chengjing Shi, Yuan Fan, Yuhua Gu, Borong Sang, Sihua Zhong, Xiangyang Kong, Wenzhong Shen, Xiaomin Song, and Zengguang Huang, “Ultrathin bifacial passivated emitter and rear cell with inverted pyramid textures”, Phys. Status Solidi A 219, 2022, 2100481-(1-6)

  97. Peng Bai, Xiaohong Li, Ning Yang, Weidong Chu, Xueqi Bai, Siheng Huang, Yueheng Zhang, Wenzhong Shen, Zhanglong Fu, Dixiang Shao, Zhiyong Tan, Hua Li, Juncheng Cao, Lianhe Li, Edmund Harold Linfield, Yan Xie, and Ziran Zhao, “Broadband and photovoltaic THz/IR response in the GaAs-based ratchet photodetector”, Science Advances 8, 2022, eabn2031-(1-10)

  98. X. H. Li, S. H. Huang, H. Z. Bai, P. Bai, X. R. Lian, W. J. Song, W. Z. Shen, G. Y. Xu, and Y. H. Zhang, “Ultra-broadband frequency up-converterbased on AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction detector”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 2022, 051106-(1-6)

  99. Shuning Wang, Maojun Zheng, Dongkai Jiang, Hao Yuan, Hao Chen, Yunlong Fan, Fanggang Li, Wenlan Zhang, Li Ma, Wenzhong Shen, “Graphene quantum dot-sensitized GaP@ZnO nanocomposite for high-performance UV photodetectors”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 2022395108 (1-7

  100. X. R. Lian, K. Wang, X. Q. Bai, P. Bai, X. H. Li, S. H. Huang, W. J. Song, W. Z. Shen, G. Y. Xu, and Y. H. Zhang, “E-shaped patch antenna for GaAs-based broadband THz detectors”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 2022, 475101 (1-12)

  101. W. Z. Shen, Y. X. Zhao, and F. Liu, “Highlights of mainstream solar cell efficiencies in 2022”, Front. Energy 17, 2023, 9-15 

  102. L. He, H. Z. Su, Z. P. Li, H. Liu, and W. Z. Shen, "Multiple function synchronous optimization by PbS quantum dots for highly stable planar perovskite solar cells with efficiency exceeding 23%", Adv. Funct. Mater. 33, 2213963,  2023, 1-12

  103. C. Gao, H. T. Zhang, F. Y. Qiao, H. P. Huang, D. Z. Zhang, D. Ding, D. X. Du, J. J. Liang, J. H. Bao, H. Liu, and W. Z. Shen, "In situ artificial wide-bandgap Cs-based recrystallized-arrays for optical optimization of perovskite solar cells", Nano Energy 116, 2023, 108765-(1-9)

  104. D. Ding, Z. R. Du, R. L. Liu, C. Quan, J. Bao, D. X. Du, Z. P. Li, J. Chen, and W. Z. Shen, "Laser doping selective emitter with thin borosilicate glass layer for n-type TOPCon solar cells", Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells. 253, 2023, 112230-(1-9)

  105. D. Ding, D. X. Du, C. Quan, J. Bao, S. Ma, H. P. Huang, L. Li, Z. P. Li, R. L. Liu, Z. R. Du, and W. Z. Shen, "Application of dual-layer polysilicon deposited by PECVD in n-type TOPCon solar cells", Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 261, 2023, 112519-(1-9)

  106. J. Y. Xu, W. Pan, and W. Z. Shen, "Efficiency enhancement of solar cell by using methylammonium lead tribromide/polymethyl methacrylate hybrid film as luminescent down shifting layer", Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 260, 2023, 112478-(1-7)

  107. S. Ma, B. Liao, F. Y. Qiao, D. Ding, C. Gao, Z. P. Li, R. Tong, X. Y. Kong, and W. Z. Shen, "24.7% industrial tunnel oxide passivated contact solar cells prepared through tube PECVD integrating with plasma-assisted oxygen oxidation and in-situ doped polysilicon", Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 257, 2023, 112396-(1-8)

  108. D. X. Du, L. N. Wang, D. Ding, Y. K. Guo, J. Y. Xu, F. Y. Qiao, H. Y. Wang, and W. Z. Shen, "One-step synthesis of aqueous CdTe/CdSe composite QDs toward efficiency enhancement of solar cell", Chem. Eng. J. 461, 2023, 142040-(1-8)

  109. Y. H. Fan, F. Y. Qiao, D. X. Du, J. H. Bao, J. J. Liang, H. Liu, and W. Z. Shen, "Carbohydrazide-assisted morphology and structure controlling for lead-free Cs2AgBiBr6 double perovskite solar cells", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 15, 2023, 36233-36241

  110. F. Y. Qiao, D. X. Du, W. Z. Shen, W. Wang, Z. D. Chen, C. Gao, L. He, Z. G. Lü, and H. Liu, "Synergetic acceleration on the degradation of flexible perovskite solar cells under light and stress cooperation", Solar RRL  7 , 2023, 2300331-(1-12)

  111. J. J. Liang, D. X. Du, C. Gao, F. Y. Qiao, L. He, D. Z. Zhang, J. H. Bao, H. Liu, and W. Z. Shen, "Controllable cosolvent blade-coating strategy toward low temperature fabrication of perovskite solar cells", ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 6, 2023, 10842-10852

  112. S. Abbasi, P. Ruankham, W. Passatorntaschakorn, W. Khampa, W. Musikpan, C. Bhoomanee, H. Liu, D. Wongratanaphisan, and W. Z. Shen, "A new single-step technique to fabricate transparent hydrophobic surfaces utilizable in perovskite solar cells", Appl. Surf. Sci. 613, 2023, 155969-(1-8)

  113. S. Abbasi, X. Wang, P. Tipparak, C. Bhoomanee, P. Ruankham, H. Liu, D. Wongratanaphisan, and W. Z. Shen, "Proper annealing process for a cost effective and superhydrophobic ambient-atmosphere fabricated perovskite solar cell", Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process 155, 2023, 107241-(1-9)

  114. J. H. Bao, L. He, C. Gao, J. J. Liang, and W. Z. Shen, "High-performance perovskite solar cells with low open-circuit voltage loss and excellent stability after p-F-PEAI posttreatment", Energy Technol. 11, 2023, 2300295-(1-9)

  115. B. C. Liao, X. Y. Wu, W. L. Wu, C. M. Liu, S. Ma, S. Z. Wang, T. Xie, Q. Wang, Z. R. Du, W. Z. Shen, X. Li, W. M. Li, and B. Hoex, "Tube-type plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition of aluminum oxide: Enabling record lab performance for the industry with demonstrated cell efficiencies >24%", Prog Photovolt Res Appl. 31, 2023, 52-61 (cover paper)

  116. B. C. Liao, W. L. Wu, R. J. Yeo, X. Y. Wu, S. Ma, Q. Wang, Y. M. Wan, X. D. Su, W. Z. Shen, X. Li, W. M. Li, G. Q. Xing, and B. Hoex, "Atomic scale controlled tunnel oxide enabled by a novel industrial tube-based PEALD technology with demonstrated commercial TOPCon cell efficiencies >24%", Prog Photovolt Res Appl. 31, 2023, 220-229 (cover paper)

  117. X. H. Li, P. Bai, S. H. Huang, W. J. Song, X. R. Lian, C. Hu, Z. W. Shi, W. Z. Shen, Z. L. Fu, D. X. Shao, Z. Y. Tan, J. C. Cao, C. Tan, G. Y. Xu, and Y. H. Zhang,"Bi-functional high-speed and ultrabroad bandwidth detector", ACS Photonics 10, 2023, 2816-2824

  118. X. H. Li, S. H. Huang, Q. Yu, X. Yuan, Y. Liu, P. Bai, W. J. Song, H. Z. Bai, G. Y. Xu, W. Z. Shen, and Y. H. Zhang, "High-temperature photon-type ultra-broadband detectors based on ratchet structure", Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 2023, 061112

  119. W. Z. Shen, Y. X. Zhao, and F. Liu, "Highlights of mainstream solar cell efficiencies in 2023", Front. Energy 18, 2024, 8-15

  120. T. J. Wu, Z. L. Liu, H. Lin, P. Q. Gao, and W. Z. Shen,"Free-standing ultrathin silicon wafers and solar cells through edges reinforcement", Nat. Commun. 15, 2024, 3843-(1-11)

  121. L. He, H. T. Zhang, D. Z. Zhang, C. Gao, H. Z. Su, D. X. Du, D. Ding, H. Liu, and W. Z. Shen, "Structure optimization and passivation strategy toward efficient integrated perovskite/pseudo-planar heterojunction solar cells", Adv. Funct. Mater. 34, 2024, 2403020-(1-14)

  122. C. Gao, H. T. Zhang, S. Ma, H. Z. Su, H. P. Huang, L. He, D. Z. Zhang, D. X. Du, H. Liu, and W. Z. Shen, "Quasi-conformal monolithic n-i-p perovskite/c-Si tandem solar cells with light management strategies exceed 28% efficiency", Nano Energy 129, 2024, 110066-(1-10)

  123. D. X. Du, D. Ding, H. B. Tang, H. P. Huang, F. Y. Qiao, C. Gao, L. He, Z. P. Li, and W. Z. Shen, "Effect of rear pyramid structures on industrial bifacial PERCs under omnidirectional incidence", Energy 305, 2024, 132216-(1-8)

  124. D. X. Du, H. P. Huang, X. B. Li, S. Ma, D. M. Zhao, R. Li, H. W. Huang, Z. D. Hao, F. Y.  Meng, L. Li, L. He, D. Ding, Z. X. Liu, W. B. Zhang, and W. Z. Shen, "Low-cost metallization based on Ag/Cu fingers for exceeding 25% efficiency in industrial silicon heterojunction solar cells", Solar RRL 8, 2024, 2400052-(1-9) (Cover paper)

  125. S. Ma, D. X. Du, D. Ding, C. Gao, Z. P. Li, X. Y. Wu, S. Zou, X. Su, X. Y. Kong, B. Liao, and W. Z. Shen, "Improving the performance of industrial TOPCon solar cells through the insertion of intrinsic a-Si layer", Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 275, 2024, 113024-(1-8)

  126. D. Ding, C. Gao, X. Z. Wang, D. X. Du, S. Ma, Z. P. Li, and W. Z. Shen, "Optimization of rear surface morphology in n-type TOPCon c-Si solar cells", Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 277, 2024, 113142-(1-8)

  127. S. Ma, B. Liao, D. X. Du, D. Ding, C. Gao, Z. P. Li, Q. Wang, X. Y. Wu, S. Zou, X. Su, R. J. Yeo, X. Li, W. M. Li, X. Y. Kong, and W. Z. Shen, "Bi-layer in-situ phosphorus doped poly-Si films by PECVD for blistering-free high-efficiency industrial TOPCon solar cells", Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 269, 2024, 112771-(1-11)

  128. D. Z. Zhang, D. X. Du, H. T. Zhang, H. Z. Su, C. Gao, Z. P. Li, H. Liu, and W. Z. Shen, "Interface and bulk engineering by dual sulfonates toward high efficiency perovskite solar cells with better reproducibility and stability", Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 277, 2024, 113071-(1-8)

  129. D. X. Du, D. Z. Zhang, H. Liu, and W. Z. Shen, "Enhanced carrier transport and optical gains in perovskite solar cells based on low-temperature prepared TiO2@SnO2 nanocrystals", J. Alloy. Compd 983, 2024, 173714-(1-8)

  130. J. W. Qiu, Z. G. Zhou, L. J. Zhang, X. M. Song, S. H. Zhong, H. P. Yin, R. Tong, J. H. Zhang, W. Z. Shen, and Z. G. Huang, "Pinhole-like carriers transport in spin-coating SiO2 enabling high-efficiency dopant-free Si solar cells", Chem. Eng. J. 495, 2024, 153672-(1-10)

  131. L. J. Zhang, J. W. Qiu, H. Cheng, Y. Y. Zhang, S. H. Zhong, L. X. Shi, H. P. Yin, R. Tong, Z. Y. Sun, W. Z. Shen, X. M. Song, and Z. G. Huang, "Low-temperature Ta-doped TiOx electron-selective contacts for high-performance silicon solar cells", Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 266, 2024, 112703-(1-7)

  132. W. Z. Shen, S. Ma, and H. P. Huang, "Deep concern about TOPCon module quality", PV Tech Power 41, 2024, 54-58

  133. B. W. Zhao, H. L. Hao, H. Y. Lei, J. Yang, L. N. Tang, X. R. Shi, W. Y. Li, W. Z. Shen, and G. J. He, "An anti-freezing pure inorganic electrolyte for long cycle life aqueous sodium-ion batteries at -40oC", Energy Storage Mater. 71, 2024, 103562-(1-9)

  134. J. Y. Liang, H. L. Hao, H. Y. Lei, J. Yang, Z. F. Guo, G. Z. Liu, B. W. Zhao, and W. Z. Shen, "Highly stable deep-blue emitting CsPbBr3 nanoplatelets with modified zwitterionic surface passivation", Chem. Eng. J. 495, 2024, 153337-(1-10)

  135. Y. Yang, M. J. Zheng, H. Yuan, J. H. Gao, H. Chen, D. K. Jiang, Y. L. Fan, Y. H. Li, and W. Z. Shen, "NiMoO4 containing O-vacancy cooperated with bimetallic sulfides as efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting", J. Alloy. Compd 1003, 2024, 175446-(1-11)

  136. H. Yuan, M. J. Zheng, Y. Yang, J. H. Gao, H. Chen, Y. L. Fan, Y. H. Li, Li Ma, G. H. Wang, and W. Z. Shen, "Porous GaP/g-C3N4 photoanode for enhanced hydrogen production", ChemNanoMat 10, 2024, e202400024-(1-8)






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